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Do I have to attend skills sessions if my WEST initial assessment levels are the same as the Essential Skills qualification level I need? 

The assessment-ready sessions are in place to support learners in this position. It is a requirement that EVERYONE attends a preparation (Day 1) session for their Essential Skills, as this will provide vital information on the assessment process and ensure you know all you need to know to achieve.  


If I have booked sessions, but then realise that I need to reschedule the dates, how can I change them?

Please click on ‘contact us’ and let us know as soon as you can. We will then cancel those sessions and we can book you on to alternative dates as well. 


 If I choose the skills development sessions for underpinning and preparation, am I then able to come in to ACT for the assessments? 

Yes, we can book you onto centre dates for the assessments. Let the tutor know at your sessions, or you can contact us via ‘contact us’ to arrange. 


How many learners might be in my sessions and who else is likely to attend? 

Each session holds up to 10 people. There will be people attending who are also completing an apprenticeship and sometimes individuals who are just undertaking the Essential Skill. Those attending will all be working at a similar level.


Will I need to complete any work before I attend any sessions? 

Yes. Your Essential Skills Tutor will send you some course materials via OneFile to complete before each session. These may be information sheets, worksheets to complete, or videos to watch. Completing these before the session will ensure you are aware of the skills being taught within that session. The Essential Skills Tutor will refer to these course materials within the session. 


How long will I have to complete the controlled task element of my assessment? 

There are varying allowances according to the level you are undertaking: 

  • Level 1 - 4 hours 

  • Level 2 – 5 hours 

  • Level 3 – 8 hours 


I have completed the digital literacy checker and the WEST initial assessment. If the results differ, which result do I use when booking skills sessions? 

The WEST initial assessment provides a picture of some of the digital skills you have, however, the digital literacy checker provides vital information relating to your abilities to know, understand and achieve the essential skill. If you scored entry 3 in the WEST initial assessment and level 1 in the digital literacy checker, then we would recommend using level 1 as the indicator when booking skills sessions. 

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