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What is Communication?

This Essential Skill is available at level 1, level 2 and level 3, and covers the topics below, which will be taught within the skills sessions:

  • Basic literacy skills, including spelling, punctuation and grammar, (SPaG) 

  • Reading, highlighting, annotating and summarising documents 

  • Writing, planning, paragraphing and proofreading 

  • Presentation and discussion skills 

If you are ready to book now, please select from one of the options below. Otherwise, click here for more information. You might already feel confident in some of these subject areas, but our sessions will ensure you have all the required skills you need to achieve the qualification, as well as providing you with useful communication skills for your day-to-day life. You will undertake two assessments to achieve this qualification; a controlled task assessment where you will be given a scenario to apply your literacy skills, and a confirmatory test consisting of 20 multiple choice questions. Below, you can choose from two options for gaining these skills and achieving your qualification. Please read through the options in full, to ensure that you are picking the right one to meet your needs. You also have the option to complete this qualification in Welsh if you wish. Please see below to determine which approach best suits your needs.

Business Interview

Skills Development Sessions

This approach is suitable for learners who require a bit of extra support in these areas, in order to achieve this qualification. These sessions are held online. 



If your WEST initial assessment result comes out at the same level as the level of COMMS you need to achieve, then you may prefer to select the Assessment-Ready sessions, below. ACT’s online skills development sessions are covered across 5 to 6 weeks, (depending upon level) with 2.5-hour sessions, via Microsoft Teams. These shorter sessions may suit your working day better. To book your sessions, you will need to select a set of skills sessions, where you are able to attend all of the dates. These sessions will include the controlled task assessment, which can also be completed online. The confirmatory test does have to be completed in person, but this is a multiple choice test, which will take up to one hour. You can undertake this at our training centre in Cardiff, or by special request we can make arrangements at one of our other 7 centres. Our Essential Skills Tutor will arrange the confirmatory test with you. If for whatever reason you were unsuccessful in either or both assessments, please don’t worry, resits are possible and your Essential Skills Tutor will advise on next steps.

It is important to note, that if you are completing this qualification online, you will need the use of a laptop or desktop PC. A mobile phone or tablet will not be sufficient. 

Assessment-Ready Sessions

This approach is suitable for those learners who feel that they already have the skills required to achieve this qualification. These sessions are held at our Cardiff training centre.



If your WEST initial assessment result comes out lower than the level of COMMS you need to achieve, then you may prefer to select the online Skills Development sessions, above. If you feel as though your skills are at the required level, this is your opportunity to achieve this qualification in just two days. These sessions will take place in person, and attendance at both days is mandatory. Day 1 - Review all knowledge required for the qualification, and prepare for the controlled task and test assessments. Day 2 - Complete the controlled task assessment. The confirmatory test can be completed on either day one or day two, depending upon how confident you feel. It’s up to you! If further support is needed, these sessions can be booked separately, and our Assessors/Tutors will advise and support you in this. If for whatever reason you were unsuccessful in either or both assessments, please don’t worry, resits are possible and your Essential Skills Tutor will advise on next steps.

Working from Home
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Confirmatory Test

Confirmatory tests are booked as part of the Assessment-Ready sessions above. However, if you need to resit your test for any reason, you can book these here.

Hair and Beauty Sessions

These Essential Skill sessions are exclusively for Hair and Beauty learners.


These Communication sessions consist of the Preparation, Controlled Task and Confirmatory Test across one or two days

Hair Styling

Did You Know?

Achieving your Essential Skills qualification in Communication at level 2, is the equivalent to a GCSE grades A* to C. 



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