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Essential Skills

Welcome to the Essential Skills Support and Booking System.

You will find everything you need to know about the Essential Skills Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy qualifications on this website.


You may need to achieve these qualifications as part of your programme, depending on your prior qualifications, or you may simply want to further develop these skills, regardless of previous achievements. Whatever your goal, we can help you.


Click here to see our video on how to use this system


The Essential Skills - Overview

Application of Number (AON)

Completing the AON qualification will help you to develop your numeracy skills which are valuable for everyday life and workplace situations. You will gain skills that will support you in problem solving, data analysis, financial and money management, which could lead to new career opportunities. By developing these skills, you can become more confident in all things numeracy!


If you wish to complete this qualification in Welsh, we will happily support you; just let your Assessor know


Completing the COMMS qualification will help develop your literacy skills to support better communication. This could be speaking and listening skills, which builds confidence in workplace situations, such as, delivering presentations or contributing to meetings. You may want to improve your written communication skills, so you have confidence in your spelling, grammar and punctuation. This qualification will provide these skills. 


If you wish to complete this qualification in Welsh, we will happily support you; just let your Assessor know. 

Digital Literacy

Completing the digital literacy qualification will provide you with the skills to navigate through the digital world. You will learn how to utilise appropriate digital tools and technologies to support you in your job role, or socially in your day-to-day life. You will develop skills and build confidence with your digital footprint, staying safe online, securing data, creativity, researching information effectively and much more.  


If you wish to complete this qualification in Welsh, we will happily support you; just let your Assessor know.

Wales Essential Skills Toolkit (WEST)  

At the start of your programme, you would have taken WEST initial assessments in literacy, numeracy and possibly digital literacy. We use the results of these assessments to guide us in how best to develop these skills as you navigate through your programme. WEST can also be used as an independent development tool and tailors suitable resources to meet your specific requirements. You will need to know your WEST initial assessment results when deciding on the most suitable skills development sessions.

Do I need to achieve Essential Skills as part of my programme?

If you are achieving your Essential Skills as part of an Apprenticeship framework, you may have achieved GCSEs with required grades or other accredited prior learning (APL) that may exempt you.


Click below to access the Essential Skills Exemption Guidance document for further details. 


If you believe you have exemptions but do not have your actual certificates, or simply have further questions, talk to your Assessor/Tutor and they will be able to help you. 

Learner Reviews

The Tutor was brilliant, explaining step by step the task and what would be expected for the assessment. The Tutor was not afraid to help people individually whilst ensuring others were happy, she was confidently managing many different levels of IT competency during the training. The tutor was approachable and I was not afraid to ask for help

Management Learner



Best Maths teacher I have ever met!

Management Learner

Although done virtually, I felt on the course, we were very supported and encouraged to ask questions if needed. Everything was explained clearly and as I had never done a Power point before the guidance was very helpful.

Clinical Health Learner

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